
We define models as assets you interact with in a blockchain Every data structure should be a model, since it defines what are the minimum necessary properties to be present.

The package @worldsibu/convector-core-model contains the necessary code to create models. Here's an example of one:

import * as yup from 'yup';
import {
  ConvectorModel, ReadOnly, Required, Validate
} from '@worldsibu/convector-core-model';

export class ExampleModel extends ConvectorModel<ExampleModel> {
  public readonly type = 'io.worldsibu.examples.example-model';

  public name: string;

  @Default(() =>
  public updated: number;

Notice we're extending ConvectorModel. This class is full of rich methods you can use to manipulate the data.

There are multiple decorators you can use to model the data:

  • @ReadOnly() - used when you want a property to be set once and then sealed to modifications
  • @Required() - used when you want the property to be ensured there will be a value
  • @Default(val | () => val) - used when you want to provide a default value before saving the data to the blockchain if there was no value provided
  • @Required(Schema|Model) - used to validate the property to conform a format


To simply create a base model file through Convector CLI run.

conv generate model <NAME-OF-MODEL>

Then you can edit it and adapt it as you need.

More advanced

The children classes can be used in 1 of 3 ways:

1. As an model query

class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { ... }

const model = new MyModel(id);


class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { ... }


2. As a param constructor and validator

class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { /* ... */ }

class MyController {
  public async myMethod(
    myModel: MyModel
  ) {;

3. As a container to start filling the model

class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { /* ... */ }

const myModel = new MyModel(); = 'name'; = 'info';
/* ... */;


Models are based on ConvectorModel<T>, and it provides some basic static methods to use on models.

Querying the chaincode

Some static methods are present for you to query the chaincode storage. All these methods are subject to the storage capabilities, for example, using storage-couchdb you will be able to query the database in a more fashin way, even using views or similar.

// Get one of the models based on the ID

// Get all the elements based on the `type` field

// Complex queries, depending on the `convector-storage` in use
MyModel.query({ amount: { $lte: 5 } }).then(onModelsFound);

Basic properties

All models are required to have an id and a type field. The declaration of both can be omitted if wanted, but both of them must have a value. If you pass a string as the only param while instantiating a model, it will be used as the ID of that model.

Base methods

  • To fetch the model content from the ledger and load the data into a model use async myModel.fetch(), the ID must have been set before this
  • To create or update a whole model in the blockchain you mut use async
  • To update a portion of an existing model in the blockchain you must use async myModel.update({ changes })
  • To delete the model content in the blockchain you must use async myModel.delete() however, notice that a delete in blockchain terms, is just removing the current value from the state, but the historical data will still be there and cannot be removed
  • To clone a model you can use myModel.clone()
  • To convert a model to json you can do JSON.stringify(myModel) or myModel.toJSON()

Convector CLI has been recently released! Get familiar with the new way to create Enterprise Smart Contract Systems.

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